Game show sounds, slot machines, poker sounds, board games, coin handling sound effects, card shuffling effects, carnival sounds and more…
Soundrangers is releasing a new series of Sound Libraries, and this month’s feature is the Games and Toys Sound Library. This library includes a wide variety of game show sounds, slot machines, poker sounds, board games, coin handling sound effects, card shuffling effects, carnival sounds and more—all pristinely recorded and edited using state of the art equipment.
Sourced from our Toys and Games master category, this sound library includes 885 unique sound effects created by the Soundrangers team of professional sound designers. Available in .wav format and 44/16, 48/24 and high def 96/24 sample/bit rates. A set of mono files is included for 3d environment compatibility.
These are sound effects downloads. Once your order has been processed, you’ll receive an email containing a link to your download.