Watch out for that snake! Beware the heavy chain! Can you crack the combination lock code? All of these sounds (and more!) available this month…
Our latest batch of original Soundrangers Sound Effects Downloads and Music tracks only at Soundrangers:
Snake Slithers – scritchy slither sound effects
Worm Slithers – slimy slither sound effects
Body Falls – thuds and bumps from bodies in motion
Heavy Chains – large chains clunking and chunking
Throwing Stars – not the type of stars you want coming toward you
Beep Rollovers – subtle little beep-ish ui sounds
Coins in a Jar – where is my parking change?
Diesel Trains – big machines of loving grace
Young Girls Voice Prompts – tween and younger
Traffic Sounds – internal combustion vehicles all in a row
Glass Squeaks – squeaks only glass can make
Combination Locks – handy sounds for all sorts of gadgets
Leather Sounds – some poor animal died for these sfx, and the couch
Furniture Sounds – couch, wooden folding chairs
Snow Shoes – trudging across Tundra, mile after mile
Chillout Music – 3 new tracks to add a chilled vibe to your project.
Light Acoustic Guitar Music – new solo acoustic guitar tracks
Island Music – a new, happy little ukulele flavored Hawaiian track
Check out our Soundpacks for considerable savings and quicker checkout. Select whatever Soundrangers™ sound effects you want, whenever you want and download them all or one at a time.